Networking for Creatives: Unlocking the Power of Social Media

Networking for Creatives: Unlocking the Power of Social Media

Social media: It’s where we share our lives, showcase our passions and sometimes, scroll aimlessly at 2 a.m.  

But for creatives, it’s so much more than a place to post your latest brunch pic. 

It’s a stage and a networking event all rolled into one. A digital portfolio that speaks for itself and builds relationships that matter. 

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your network, understanding which platforms are right for your craft and how to use them effectively is essential.

But where do you start? Which platforms truly help you build your brand and connect with the right people? 

Let’s dive into the pros, cons and best practices for each major platform, plus arm you with some handy tips for your networking journey. 

First up, the infamous Instagram.

Instagram: A Visual Storytelling Platform


  • Highly visual
    Instagram is perfect for creatives who work in visual mediums. It’s all about telling a story with pictures and the app’s robust suite of tools—like Stories, Reels, threads, broadcast channels, lives and subscriptions—allow you to do just that.
  • Huge audience potential
    With over two billion active users, Instagram provides a broad and diverse audience. Whether you’re sharing your latest photo shoot or snippets from your short film, there’s someone out there who will appreciate your work.
  • Easy engagement
    Instagram makes it simple to interact with fellow creatives and potential clients through likes, comments and DMs. Hashtags are also an effective way to connect with niche communities and expand your reach.


  • Highly competitive
    With so many people sharing similar content, it can be challenging to stand out. You need to be consistent, creative and strategic with your posts.
  • Visuals come first
    If your creative work isn’t visually based (e.g., writing, sound design, etc.), you might struggle to gain traction unless you find a unique way to present your portfolio.

Best tip: Use Instagram to create an ongoing narrative of your creative journey. Showcase behind-the-scenes moments, collaborate with other artists and engage actively with your followers. Consistency is key.

TikTok: A Hub for Creativity and Virality


  • Virality potential
    TikTok’s algorithm is famously egalitarian, which means you don’t need a large following to go viral. One well-executed video can give your creative work instant exposure.
  • Engagement-heavy
    TikTok users are very interactive, which provides opportunities for dialogue and collaboration. Hashtags, challenges and trends are great tools for creatives to get discovered.
  • Diverse content
    Whether you’re a filmmaker showing your latest short or a musician playing a 30-second snippet of a song, TikTok’s bite-sized content format is perfect for showcasing your skills in a digestible way.


  • Short attention spans
    TikTok is designed for quick, snappy content. Your videos can be anywhere between three seconds and 10 minutes long, but we recommended keeping them short and sweet. Under 60 seconds is best. It can be challenging if your work requires more depth or nuance.
  • Trends dominate
    TikTok thrives on trends, which can push some creators to prioritize what’s popular over what’s original. Staying true to your creative vision is important, but balancing that with the platform’s fast pace can be tricky.

Best tip: Tap into TikTok’s trends while keeping your unique artistic voice. Keep up with the trends but also find innovative ways to present your work in short, attention-grabbing bursts.

LinkedIn: The professional’s playground


  • Professional connections
    LinkedIn is an excellent platform for creatives looking to connect with industry professionals, potential employers and collaborators. It’s great for building serious, career-focused relationships.
  • Showcase your work
    With the ability to attach portfolio links, videos and articles, LinkedIn can serve as an online resume for creatives. You can also post updates on your projects, adding context to your work.
  • Share your expertise
    LinkedIn now offers more than just a place for your resume. Professionals can showcase their expertise by contributing to collaborative articles or authoring their own content. This feature allows creatives to share in-depth insights, build authority, and engage with their industry in a meaningful way.


  • Less creative freedom
    LinkedIn has a more formal atmosphere compared to platforms like Instagram or TikTok. You’ll need to strike a balance between professionalism and showcasing your creative side.
  • Slower growth
    It’s not a platform for going viral overnight. Building a following and getting engagement can take time and consistency.

Best tip: Use LinkedIn as a space to build and nurture professional relationships. Share your projects but also highlight your creative process, industry insights and behind-the-scenes moments to showcase your expertise.

Behance: A Portfolio Powerhouse for Visual Artists


  • Portfolio focus
    Behance is designed to showcase creative portfolios. If you’re a designer, illustrator or photographer, this platform provides a sleek, professional way to display your work.
  • Industry connections
    Behance is widely used by professionals in the creative industry, from design firms to ad agencies. You can follow other creatives, get inspiration and even land job opportunities.
  • Curated projects
    Behance features curated galleries, which means your work could be highlighted and exposed to a larger audience if it catches the eye of the platform’s curators.


  • Niche audience
    Behance is very specific to visual creatives. If your work falls outside design, photography or illustration, it might not be the best platform for you.
  • Less casual interaction
    Unlike Instagram or TikTok, Behance is more formal and portfolio focused, which can limit the day-to-day interaction and engagement you might want for building relationships.

Best tip: Treat Behance as a professional gallery for your work. Make sure your portfolio is polished and cohesive and update it regularly to keep your content fresh.

Handy General Networking Tips for Creatives

  1. Prep your portfolio
    Before reaching out to industry professionals or collaborators, ensure that your online portfolio (whether on Behance, LinkedIn or your own website) is polished and up to date. Highlight your best work and organize it in a way that showcases your versatility and strengths.
  2. Be genuine
    Authenticity is key. Don’t approach networking with a transactional mindset. Instead, engage in meaningful conversations, offer your insights and build relationships that are based on mutual respect and shared interests.
  3. Stay consistent
    Whether you’re posting on Instagram or uploading to YouTube, consistency is crucial. It keeps your audience engaged and shows that you’re committed to your craft.
  4. Offer value
    When connecting with others, think about what you can offer. It could be a collaboration, helpful feedback or sharing resources. Networking is a two-way street and providing value will strengthen your connections.
  5. Be patient
    Networking takes time. You won’t build an empire overnight, but with persistence and a genuine approach you’ll start to see growth in both your creative network and opportunities.

So there you have it.

Social media can be a powerful tool for creatives, offering a blend of self-expression, portfolio-building and professional networking. 

Whether you’re showcasing your latest masterpiece on Instagram, engaging with the TikTok community or establishing professional connections on LinkedIn, each platform has unique benefits that can help you elevate your career. 

So get out there, start sharing and most importantly, be yourself. Your network and your creative brand will grow in ways you might have never expected!Need help navigating your career path? Our Career Development services can guide you through networking, portfolio building and more.