Methods of Disseminating Consumer Information
The Office of Financial Aid disseminates information through various channels, including our public website where all programs, application processes and deadlines are listed. Financial aid information is also included in various LAFS media, including the student portal. The Office of Financial Aid also has various information pieces that are emailed to the student’s LAFS email account. The Office of Financial Aid uses this as the primary means for contacting a student. New students are sent paper letters until they have registered for courses. The Office of Financial Aid also utilizes the College’s student portal, and public website. Targeted and general announcements are posted in these media venues, in addition to sending student emails. The Office of Financial Aid sends correspondence regarding Financial Aid information and deadlines to all students regarding consumer information prior to their first day of class.
Procedures and Forms Required to Apply for Financial Aid
All students who wish to receive federal or state funds must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA). Students may be asked to submit documentation such as tax returns, birth certificates and Social Security cards, along with other items necessary to verify financial or dependency status. Students who do not wish to submit requested documentation will not receive a financial aid award.
Students who are chosen for verification by the Department of Education are required to supply additional information to the Office of Financial Aid. Verification of related documents include items such as a verification form and tax forms, including but not limited to, tax return transcripts, W2 forms, 1099 forms or 1040X forms. Should additional information be required to complete the verification process, the Office of Financial Aid contacts the student via various media, including the College email system and the student portal.
Students progressing to their second academic year of study (and every year thereafter) are notified two months before the new academic year that it is time to reapply for financial aid. Notifications are also posted across campus and through various media outlets.
Student Eligibility Requirements
The Student Eligibility Requirements are as follows:
- Must be enrolled in or admitted to LAFS and be a high school graduate, or have a GED.
- Students who wish to receive student loans or work in a Federal Work Study position must be enrolled in at least six hours. Pell, FSEOG and other grants may vary, based on the number of hours enrolled.
- Must not be in default or owe a refund on any Title IV aid program from any source.
- Cannot receive aid for audit courses.
- Must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
- Must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. National or an eligible non-citizen (documentation of status may be required).
- Must have a completed financial aid file.
- Must be in an eligible program of study.
Professional Judgment and Dependency Overrides
The Higher Education Act of 1992 allows financial aid administrators to make professional judgment decisions for special or unusual family or student circumstances. These circumstances must be documented by the student.
Criteria for Selecting Recipients and Determining Award Amounts
Students who have a completed financial aid file are reviewed for financial aid eligibility. Award amounts for Direct Loans are determined by the student’s grade level and remaining eligibility from need and budget limits. Pell EFC determines Pell eligibility. FSEOG is awarded to students who demonstrate extreme financial need and are chosen by a random selection.
Study Abroad
The Los Angeles Film School does not currently offer study abroad programs to our students.
Availability of Forms and Instructions
The FAFSA is available in paper form in the Office of Financial Aid, online and provided by the processor as a renewal to students who have previously filed. A federal PIN is provided by the processor.
Rights and Responsibilities of Students for Financial Aid
Student Responsibilities
Each student must:
- Complete all requested forms completely, accurately and in a timely fashion.
- Use all financial aid received solely for educational expenses related to LAFS attendance.
- Submit, in a timely manner, all additional documentation requested by the Office of Financial Aid.
- Meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policies. View information about this federal requirement in the Financial Aid Policies & Procedures Manual.
Student Rights
Each student has the right to:
- Know how financial need was determined.
- Know how financial aid will be distributed.
- Request an explanation of programs in the financial aid package.
- Refuse any financial aid offered.
- Request an explanation of LAFS’s refund policy.
- Know what portion of financial aid is a grant and what portion must be repaid, and if the loan(s) is accepted, know the interest rate and loan repayment options and procedures.
- Examine the contents of aid records, provided a written request is made to the Office Financial Aid. Students may not review confidential records submitted by parents without the written consent of the parent whose information has been submitted.
- Appeal financial aid decisions regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Available Aid Programs
Pell Grant
This is a federal grant awarded to students with exceptional need, and is money that does not need to be repaid. The exact award amount is based on the information provided on the FAFSA, with the maximum amount not to exceed $7,395 per award year. Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress and meet the eligibility requirements for this grant. For more information on the Pell Grant program, please click here or contact a Financial Aid representative.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
This is a need-based federal grant for students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) that is below a certain level. The annual award amount is determined by the institution based on the budget and annual funds that have been allocated.
Student Loans
LAFS participates in the Direct Loan Program. Students who have a completed financial aid file and demonstrate financial need are considered for the William D. Ford Direct Subsidized Loan Program. Students who have a completed financial aid file are considered for the William D. Ford Direct Unsubsidized Loan Program. Parents of dependent students may pursue a William D. Ford Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS). Any loan offered to a student must be accompanied by the student accepting the terms and conditions, completing federal entrance counseling and master promissory note at studentloans.gov and the student actively accepting offered loans. Parents, who have a student who is offered the PLUS Loan, must also complete the application and master promissory note at studentloans.gov. More information is available at https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types.
Other Aid Programs
LAFS participates in a variety of GI Bill® Educational Benefits Programs. View the Military Admissions area of our website for more information.
LAFS participates in the Federal Work-Study Program (FWSP). Students who have a completed financial aid file, demonstrate financial need, and have successfully applied, interviewed and been hired for a FWSP position may participate in the program.
LAFS has a small number of institutional scholarships and grants. Students who have a completed financial aid file, demonstrate financial need or academic merit or meet other award requirements are considered.
LAFS’s Office of Financial Aid works with students to honor any private scholarships or private/alternative loans a student may have secured.
Cost of Attendance (COA)
Cost of attendance information is provided to students by various media including the catalog, and enrollment agreement. Adjustments may be made by the Office of Financial Aid if extenuating circumstances exist. Additionally, the Net Price Calculator for LAFS is available.
LAFS Bookstore and Textbook Information
LAFS offers books and supplies to our students at a specified price based on the academic program.
Refund Policy
Students are notified of the refund policy in our catalog, enrollment packet, and through appointment with their Financial Aid Counselor. Students who are on an approved Leave of Absence from LAFS should review the refund policy.
Withdrawal Procedures
Students may find information on withdrawing from courses in the LAFS Academic Catalog. Students should review their enrollment packet prior to signing and attending their first day of class to learn more about how refunds are issued for students who withdraw.
Repeating Courses
Information on LAFS’s Repeated Courses policy is available in the Academic Catalog.
Academic Programs Offers
Academic program information is available from the Admissions Office and on the LAFS website.
Student Retention and Completion Data
Student retention and completion data is determined and housed in the Registrar’s Office. The Office of Financial Aid annually reviews all records and determines the proper separation date. Per federal regulation, student files are maintained for five years after the last date of attendance, View more on LAFS’s retention .
Information for Students with Disabilities
Information for students with disabilities can be made available by our Student Services department.
Other Consumer Information Pieces Available
Basic Financial Aid Information
Literature and brochures
Email: finaid@lafilm.com
Phone: (323) 860-0789
Online: www.lafilm.edu/admissions/financial-aid
General Information about the Institution
Email: info@lafilm.edu
Phone: 323-860-0789
Online: https://www.lafilm.edu
View Admissions information: www.lafilm.edu/admissions
Student and Consumer Complaint Process
Complaint Process
The Los Angeles Film School desires to resolve student grievances, complaints, and concerns timely and fairly. Complaints regarding any aspect of LAFS operations should be referred to the Human Resources department on site. Students enrolled in The Los Angeles Film School may address concerns by following the institutional process as outlined in the catalog and online.
LAFS Student Complaint Process
If the student does not receive satisfaction after exhausting the LAFS Student Complaint Process, the student may address the concern through the State Consumer Complaint Process.
State Consumer Complaint Process
External Contacts Process
Instructions for filing a complaint will be provided prior to their first day of class.
Federal Student Financial Aid
Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 governs the federal student financial aid programs of any institution. LAFS is authorized to participate in federal Title IV programs.
Student Right-To-Know Act
Information on Completion/graduation Rates for General Student Body
View LAFS retention and graduation rate information.
Information on Completion/graduation Rates for Student Athletes
LAFS does not participate in athletic student programs.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information and Policies
Student Services can provide a list of resources for students to contact with questions about mental health. Students cans also refer to the LAFS catalog for more information on the drug and alcohol policy.
Crime Statistics
Click here for Campus safety Policies and Campus Crime reports.
Clery (Campus Security) Act
Please see the LAFS Academic Catalog and the Campus Safety page for information on the Clery Act and campus security.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Contact Admissions prior to starting class, and Student Services thereafter for more information about FERPA. You can also learn more in the LAFS Academic Catalog.
Availability of Employees for Information Dissemination
All campus offices are generally open year round with the exception of posted holidays. LAFS Financial Aid staff members are available during office hours to provide consumer information.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Information on Accreditation
LAFS is accredited by Accredited by ACCSC Standard IV.B.6 as a private institution approved to operate by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Approval to operate means the institution is compliant with the minimum standards contained in the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (as amended) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Click here to access Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education website.
Voter Registration
Voter Registration forms are provided on request in our Student Services department.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students receiving federal and state financial aid must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards as outlined in the Academic Catalog, and Financial Aid policies & procedures manual.
LAFS’s Attendance Policy
LAFS’s attendance policy can be found in the Academic Catalog.
Copyright Information
Copyright information is found in the LAFS Academic Catalog.
Immunization Policy
Please see our International Relations department for any questions pertaining to immunizations.
Establishing and Maintaining an Information Security Program
Information can be found in the LAFS Academic Catalog.
Information is available in the Academic Catalog and enrollment packet provided prior to the start of class.
College Navigator
View additional institutional information with College Navigator.
Constitution Day
Constitution Day became a national observance in 2004, when Senator Robert Byrd lobbied for a bill designating September 17 as the day for citizens to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution and learn more about our founding document. Senator Byrd once said, “Our ideals of freedom, set forth and realized in our Constitution, are our greatest export to the world.” He added the Constitution Day clause to his 2004 federal spending bill because he believed that all citizens should know about their rights as outlined in the Constitution. This clause mandates the teaching of the Constitution in schools that receive federal funds, as well as federal agencies.
On September 17, 1787, the Founding Fathers signed the most influential document in American history: the United States Constitution. This document established the framework of our government and the rights and freedoms that “We the People” enjoy today.
For more information about the Constitution, please visit:
Constitution Day
Constitution Preamble – Schoolhouse Rock
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.