Animation Alum Works as Digital Compositor

Ariana Georgescu Has More Than 40 Credits as a Digital Compositor
Computer Animation grad Ariana Georgescu is not afraid of hard work. Ariana’s grit is exactly the reason why she’s been working steadily as a Compositor for multiple animation projects. Her first job post-graduation was for Mamba, an animation company in Costa Mesa, where she worked on a Sketchers commercial. Pulling 18-hour days were the norm, so when she had to work 12-hour days that felt like a breeze. One of the most important lessons she learned was the importance of communication; sending daily updates to her boss and team members was crucial in getting the job done on time, an almost 180 to working by yourself on a final project.
After the commercial wrapped, the producer recommended Ariana to work on motion graphics for TMZ promos. She worked for a few days using After Effects and Nuke, which fortunately she knew very well. The lead animator actually had no experience using Nuke, so all the work that involved that particular software was assigned to Ariana. That’s a sure way to impress your boss – know something that the head of the department doesn’t!
The next job she booked was from diligent efforts using the professional social networking site LinkedIn, where she is now working from home as a compositor on the feature film Sinbad the 5th Voyage. Her title on this particular film is Junior Compositor, and duties include set extensions, paint outs, tracking, color correction, projections and more. It’s only been two weeks of work so far, but Ariana is enjoying every moment, especially since she’s able to work from home.
Next up on the agenda is a music video for Brighter Lights, which will be a 3-4 month project in which she’ll be character modeling, compositing and texturing CG versions of the band members. Although compositing is her main focus, it’s not something she particularly wanted to do starting out in the animation program here at The Los Angeles Film School. Originally she wanted to be a character model, but after going through the program and trying on different hats, compositing was the one she ultimately loved most. Visit her IMDb page to see more of her work.
Ariana’s advice for current animation students
Only do this if you absolutely love it. If you’re not in love with the work, you’re not going to put in the effort. This line of work is very time consuming, so if you’re only in it just to get a job you won’t be happy. That, and make sure you network. Definitely get out there and network.