Access the Entertainment Industry with articles and videos exploring the nuts and bolts of filmmaking, music, sound, animation and design.

Sicario Day of the Soldado

Film & Game Releases: Week of June 29

CHECK OUT OUR LIST OF MOVIE AND GAME RELEASES FOR THE WEEK OF June 29, 2018! From Sicario: Day of the Soldado to Far Cry 3 Classic Edition, here is a schedule of the films and games coming out soon! Film Release Schedule Sicario: Day…
Graphic Design

4 Influential Graphic Designers to Know

Whatever it is about the graphic design industry that’s gripped you, whether it be a basic design principle, a standardized design tool, or an aesthetic choice that’s taken hold of designers everywhere, it started somewhere – with someone. The following are four influential graphic designers who have been pioneers, in their own rite, creating iconic designs that have stood the test of time and left people wondering exactly how their work can possibly be improved upon.
Houston Howard
3 incredible action scenes

3 Incredible Action Scenes

By: Kurt van Aswegen From the inventive hallway fight scene in Inception, to the jaw-dropping one-shot scene in True Detective, here is a list of 3 incredible action scenes. Inception – Hallway Fight Scene One of the most memorable…
music production online

7 Top Virtual Synths

Find Your Sound Music production technology is constantly evolving, making staying on top of the latest trends and techniques increasingly difficult. These days, especially in light of the ever-growing electronic dance music scene, understanding…
Online Learning

The Value of Online Education

Pursuing a degree online has inherent benefits for any student. Of great value is the ability to complete class work on your own time. Online learning is especially attractive as the international student does not have to be physically present in the country of the institution, but can still receive a first-class education. Students can also avoid relocation costs by choosing to enroll in one of the four online degrees offered at The Los Angeles Film School.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Moving To Hollywood

“The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues.” ― Terry…
Hack Into College

How to Hack into College from High School

Get A Head Start On The Path To College If you’re in high school, college might seem like a problem for next year’s version of you. However, many students miss out on the opportunity to sow the seeds of a swift and successful college…
Elevator Pitch

Pitching Your Business

How to Create a Strong Pitch When you’re starting your own business in the entertainment industry, or if you’re looking for funding for a particular project, you’ll need to create a business pitch that’s memorable, effective, data-driven,…