Edison Learning PSA with Magic Johnson
On May 28th, 2015, The Los Angeles Film School proudly partnered with Magic Johnson and Edison Learning on an on-campus production for their public awareness campaign, “Don’t Let Them Drop.” The program’s aims are to shed light on disadvantaged youths around the country who struggle to obtain their high school diplomas, and highlight the fact that over 800,000 young people drop out of high school today.
Edison Learning has partnered with Magic Johnson Bridgescape Academy to assist struggling students in need for this initiative. In 2014- 2015 there will be 16 Magic Johnson Bridgescape® Academies with a total enrollment of over 2,500 students. Since opening the first MJBA in 2011 there have been over 600 graduates across the country.
We are proud to have had several of our graduates work on this video, as well as students who acted in the production.
Learn more about Edison Learning:
EdisonLearning has launched – DON’T LET THEM DROP – a national public awareness campaign to create a sense of urgency on the personal and societal costs of the national drop out crisis. While four-year graduation rates have increased for American high school students – historically disadvantaged groups of students still lag behind their counterparts in earning a high school diploma. In fact, during this current school year – approximately 800,000 young people will drop out of high school – an average of 4,000 every school day – ONE every 90 seconds. As a leader in improving educational opportunities for every student – regardless of their ZIP code and socioeconomic status – EdisonLearning seeks to generate broad national awareness and public involvement in the DON’T LET THEM DROP movement.
The first significant component of this multi-faceted initiative took place at the ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) Conference in Houston (March 21&22), with a dramatic 3D sidewalk art installation by internationally recognized chalk artist and 3D street painter, Tracy Lee Stum. The 3D artwork visually displayed the challenges faced by students as they strive to obtain their high school diploma.
DON’T LET THEM DROP directly parallels EdisonLearning’s refocused mission and vision that more accurately reflects the refined purpose for our existence. We take on the tough jobs, and provide our partners with progressive solutions – such as Magic Johnson Bridgescape – aimed at eliminating the persistent disparity of academic opportunities for students suffering from socioeconomic hardships. Everyone interested in saving the futures of thousands of young Americans are encouraged to visit: www.DontLetThemDrop.com to learn about the movement
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View the Instagram page: @DontLetThemDrop
Make sure any social media posts are made using: #DontLetThemDrop
Learn more about Magic Johnson Bridgescape® Academy:
Magic Johnson Bridgescape® gives you the support and direction to overcome obstacles experienced in a traditional high school environment. The demands outside of school can sometimes make traditional classes difficult to attend – that’s why we developed a customized program to meet your needs. Our counselors help you get back on track to earning a standard diploma by outlining the critical steps toward a finding a career, enrolling in college or completing a technical degree.
Magic Johnson Bridgescape® is unique in its full-service approach to recruitment and enrollment. We successfully recruit students around the country, utilizing the expertise and resources of our highly skilled staff. In addition, our blended-learning curriculum is responsive to the lives of Bridgescape students and provides real-world connections to work and continual study, ensuring relevance and sustained interest in the program.
Magic Johnson Bridgescape® Academies provide safe, accessible environments for students to earn their high school diplomas and are located within the communities where the students live. We believe that part of building a strong community involves bringing resources to the communities with the greatest need. As a result, our academies are located within urban communities and near Magic Johnson Foundation’s Community Empowerment Centers. We know that a key ingredient of program success is a location that is safe, easily accessible and customized to meet the needs of our students. Learn more here.