How to make the most out of your first year in college

Entertainment Business Students in class.
Tips For Getting Started In College
Going to class might seem obvious, but it is a good place to start. It can be tempting to skip an early class, but besides missing the material, you will also miss out on vital information – like what to expect on tests and changes in due dates. The first week of college matters. Don’t assume that nothing happens in the first week. Many schools may even drop you from the course altogether if you miss a day in that first week.
Your academic advisor is a key resource, get to know them. They will help you with course conflicts, adding or dropping courses, and deciding on majors and minors. You should approach them with any academic issues you have.
Don’t forget to eat right. Without mom and dad planning meals it is easy to fall into bad eating habits, which will in turn affect your health and your ability to focus on your studies. Try to maintain a balanced diet. You can enjoy everything available, just try not to live on fast-food and late-night delivery.
Try to find places outside of your room to study. Explore the campus and find good places that work for you. It is better to avoid the distractions of your room and maximize your study time in a more favorable environment.
Professors hold office hours, make use of them. They set aside this time to help you. Try to meet with them at least once during your course for a one-on-one session.
On the financial side, you will be bombarded with credit card deals that may seem perfect for you. However, you may end up paying much more than you expect in penalties and annual fees. Stick to a bank account and debit card for your college expenses.
Don’t forget that there are a lot of people around you that are going through the same thing, and a lot of people there to help you get through it. Keep these tips in mind and make the most out of your first year in college.
By Kurt van Aswegen