Tag Archive for: Anatomy of the Entertainment Business

The World of Film Production: How to Make a Movie

Ever wondered how to make a movie?  We’re here to tell you—there’s never been a better time to put your aspirations into action.  With new trends, strategies and technologies bursting onto the scene at an exciting pace, indie filmmakers are at long last proving one thing:  You no longer need a blockbuster budget to make a hit movie.
From Script to Screen

Scriptwriting Success: The Art of Writing for the Silver Screen

Scriptwriting is a craft. And during the early stages of mastering any craft, you need to soak up as much information as you can. Understanding the journey from script to screen and how scriptwriting fits into the entertainment industry is not just fascinating—it’s essential.
Biz of Entertainment Pt 2

Behind the Curtain: The Business of Entertainment

Talent management, finance, legal, marketing—not to mention the talent behind the scenes of the music business—are just some of the cogs behind the silver screen that keep the machine turning, translating ideas into projects from development to production and distribution.
Hollywood Sign

Anatomy of the Entertainment Business

Here’s a question for you.
What top three job roles spring to mind when you hear the words ‘entertainment industry’?
Let’s take a guess at what made your final cut. Music producer? Film director? Or maybe a world-famous Hollywood actor/ress made it into the mix.
Sure, these are all popular roles. But the truth is the entertainment industry is huge, much larger than you might think.